Altena is probably one of the most northerly points in Germany where there are still ideal flying hills that allow hang-gliders and paragliders to take off on foot. Flyers can even choose between launching from the mountain in two directions at once or launching from the winch.
Newcomers can get a taste of the heights on a tandem paragliding flight with experienced air sports enthusiasts or take flight training themselves.

Microlight flight
Whether hang-gliders, motorized paragliders or motorized microlights - they can all take off and land here. This makes the air above Altena a flying paradise for all air sports enthusiasts. The Aero-Club Altena Hegenscheid e.V. welcomes guest pilots and even invites them to camp on the site.

Motorized aircraft
The easiest way to enjoy the landscape from high above is simply to take a seat in one of the planes. The Aero-Club Altena-Hegenscheid e.V. is happy to arrange sightseeing flights with experienced pilots.
Dates and information: Alex Manteuffel // 01774444256 //aero-club@web.de

Glider pilots can take off using the winch and aerotow. As an active club, LSV-Hegenscheid meets almost every weekend at its airfield and is happy to provide advice and assistance to guest pilots and interested parties.
Philipp Hilker // Tel. 02331 42655// info@lsvhegenscheid.de
Air traffic control: Tel. 02352 21212 // Altena Info 122.200 MHz

Altena-Hegenscheid airfield on the Wixberg
Hegenscheid airfield
Hegenscheider Str. 8
58644 Iserlohn
Tel.: 02352 21212