A paradise for flying sportsmen

Altena with its flying field Altena-Hegenscheid and the hilly, woody surrounding offers those who love flying the ultimate sense of freedom.


Altena is probably one of the most northern locations within Germany that offers ideal mountains that allow a foot launch for hang-gliders and paragliders. Gliders can even opt between a launch from the mountain in two directions or a launch by winch.


Beginners can go on a paragliding tandem flight with experienced paragliders or start a regular course.

Microlight flight

Whether it concerns dragon trikes, paraplanes or motorised ultralight aircrafts - they can all take off and land here. In this way the sky above Altena as flight sport paradise is accessible for all those who want to fly high. Aero club Altena Hegenscheid looks forward to welcoming guest flyers and even allows camping on site.

Power-driven aircraft

The easiest way to enjoy the sight up in the air is by having a pilot fly. Aero club Altena-Hagenscheid offers round trips with experienced pilots,


Booking and information:
Alex Manteuffel // +49 (0)1774444256 // aero-club@web.de


Gliding can be realised by winch and with an aerotow. Club LSV Hegenscheid has an active programme, which includes getting together at the flying field in the weekends and they welcome guest flyers and anybody who is interested.


Philipp Hilker // Tel. 02331 42655// info@lsvhegenscheid.de

Luftaufsicht (air traffic control) : +49 (0) 23 52 / 2 12 12 // Altena Info 122.200 MHz

Flying field Altena-Hegenscheid on the Wixberg

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Aerial impressions